JLF Sponsors

If you want to help build a better Florence, please consider sponsoring The Junior League. Sponsorships from businesses, organizations, and individuals help us continue to make a difference in the community by providing the resources necessary to host events and take on specialty projects.

Merry Marketplace

Merry Marketplace sponsorships offer a variety of ways for an organization to be a part of the Junior League of Florence’s most successful event. A sponsorship gives an organization the opportunity to reach the vast majority of our community as they attend the event.

Lucky Shamrock

Sponsorship opportunities are plentiful and allow an organization to communicate with the community through a wide range of options. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor for the Lucky Shamrock event, then please click the button below.

Touch A Truck

Touch a Truck provides an excellent opportunity for sponsors to showcase their brand and interact with parents, children, Junior League members, and the Florence community-at-Iarge. There are multiple ways for your organization to participate: event sponsorship, program advertisement, performance, or in-kind support services.