The History of the Association of Junior Leagues International, Inc.

What is now a thriving organization of over 170,000 members in 293 Junior Leagues in four countries (United States, Canada, Mexico and Great Britain) was begun by a single woman in New York City.

In 1901, Mary Harriman, together with 85 women, formed the Junior League for the Promotion of Settlement Movements (later called Junior League). League projects included the establishment of orphanages, programs in the fine arts, dental health for children, home nursing, parks and playgrounds. The organization became international when the Montreal Junior League joined in 1912.

Formed in 1921, the Association provides continuity and support, guidance and leadership development opportunities to 293 Junior Leagues in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and the United Kingdom. Through regional, national, and international meetings, comprehensive resources, customized consultations, League and member benefits, the AJLI adds value to member Leagues by helping them fulfil the Junior League Mission.

AJLI is governed by a 19-member Board of Directors, all of whom are members of the Junior Leagues in their communities. The Board is accountable to the Leagues for the development of goals that enhance Leagues' ability to fulfill the Junior League Mission. The Association's New York City-based staff, under the leadership of the Executive Director, provide services to Leagues that support the established goals.

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